Sunday, January 29, 2012


January 29, 2012

The Lichi Report
Dear Friends,

Greetings in the Name that is above every other Name; The Lord Jesus Christ!


In the last report I mentioned the need for prayer related to the cost of a much needed chemo-medication to be used in conjunction with my current chemo-therapy regimen. You may recall the Revlimid cost $8,000 out of pocket for three weeks of treatment. Dr. Lazarus at University Hospital and my primary oncologist Dr. Lewis feel strongly that the medication is crucial to move things along more quickly to get my cancer levels to the place where they will do a major "blast" at the hospital and wipe the slate clean prior to reintroduction of my own stem cells into the bone marrow.

 When I posted last week I simply suggested that we PRAY with anticipation and see how God would answer this need and that whatever He provided would be good. The initial call came to my office Monday morning from an anonymous source and by the end of the day the need for the cost of the Revlimid was met 100%. Would you join me in singing the children's song for this generous provision?

"Praise Him, Praise Him....all ye little Children....God is good....God is good!"

 Guess what? God IS good...and not only when He answers prayer the way we think He should. I recall hearing recently that if God does not choose to answer our prayers in the way we that He always has something better! That is the type of faith I'm asking Jesus to build into my life on a daily basis.

 Here is the weekly update from our end

·        Praise for the provision of the full cost of this first round of Revlimid! Amen!

·        The medication was over-nighted on Tuesday and at $390 per pill, I've been advised not to take it over the toilet or the sink with the risk of accidentally dropping problem!

·        Two MRI's last Wednesday (see below). Met with neurologist on Friday to confirm that yes indeed my pain is a result of compression of bone mass, bone loss, myeloma and nerve compression. Several other consults scheduled.

·        Apparently the VA made an error and misinformed me regarding qualifying benefits. We will likely have to appeal to the VA and as we pursue this and I'll let you know what happens.

·        Thanks again to all of you who gave up your valuable time to haul me to and from appointments and work.

·        Was able to get in a full week at EMERGE. I love my clients and thank God for the ministry of EMERGE!

·        We haven't had a single day since November where there hasn't been at least one card (and often many more) from friends and family offering a word of encouragement. We've had well over 60 meals provided along with many other practical expressions of love.

·         I've asked others to step in to several (pre-cancer) pre-scheduled speaking engagements lately and those have gone exceedingly well...meaning that God doesn't necessarily need ME to be the one who does the long as Jesus is lifted up....that's the key. May He be glorified!


·        My fourth round of  chemotherapy starts Monday January 30th and we have two more scheduled.

·         I have another MRI scheduled for Wednesday to see if bones have been affected in the Cervical region of the spine.

·        We also have a February 21st orientation to inpatient treatment at University Hospital. This orientation alone takes about 4 to 5  hours. It will let us know what to expect when I finally do go into isolation to prepare for the bone marrow transplant.


I'm a psychologist. I love to learn about how the mind works and am a life-long student of the miracle of how the supernatural interacts with the natural. However, there are times when I must simply use my imagination to bring some humor to an otherwise scary or painful situation. Now, I beg you to try to go into my mind for a moment and I'll try to describe what a 4-part MRI is like. I don't want to scare any of you, but I have to admit that I used every bit of my mental power and imagery to get through nearly 3 hours in an enclosed tube with the most unusual noises. The variety and complexity of the noise of the MRI was almost overwhelming. Imagine two under-rested, irritated sumo wrestlers (you know the really big Japanese guys that stalk one another on wrestling mats), wearing steel-toed tap dance shoes for the first time and playing "dueling jackhammers" interspersed with laser tag weapons all at the same time! And...somehow these guys managed to get  into my brain itself! Well you get the picture!

 Final Comment


Thank you for partnering with Marcie and me in our journey. Your  ongoing, unwavering, relentless (!), love and prayer support mean more than I can say. In this amazing Christian community we  are truly better together as EMERGE's President John Palmer is fond of saying. Together we pray better, think better, serve better, laugh better and cry better.

 My tears still come pretty quickly....sometimes out of the pain of unrelenting soreness in my hips, back and legs. Sometimes the tears  come out of the sheer joy of knowing that I am not going through this journey alone. Sometimes out of sheer frustration of another doctor's appointment without clear answers and, in all honesty, fear of the unknown regarding the success of the treatment.

 I hope that amongst friends I can be honest with you about both tears as well as fears.

 When I was a teenager, I had a "life verse."  (Everyone did didn't they?) Mine was/is from Psalm 126:5-6, "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him."(KJV)  Somehow even at an early age I had some sense that suffering had its purposes and that ultimately God would win! 

 Your tears are never wasted and they never go without being noticed by our loving Father! In fact, God puts our tears in a "bottle of remembrance" AND EACH ONE IS RECORDED...IMAGINE THAT! (Psalm 56:8)

Tears, fears, MRI's...come what may...this I know, God is for me and He is for you!

 Would you join me in claiming that for your life and situation as well? God Wins!!!

 Much love to you dear friends and family!

Monday, January 23, 2012


January 23, 2012
The Lichi Report
Dear Friends,
Greetings in the Name that is above every other Name; The Lord Jesus Christ!

In the last report I mentioned the need for prayer for some answers related to the cost of a much needed chemo-medication to be used in conjunction with my current chemo-therapy regimen. The Revlimid costs $8,000 for 28 days of treatment. At any rate, my MD and assistants have been working diligently with the manufacturer and my insurance company. So far there doesn't seem to be a resolution.  However, we still have until Tuesday before having to start all over with new paperwork, etc.  So, I'm anxious to see what God has in mind. One way or the other, it will be good. Seriously...we serve a wonderful and powerful God...this really isn't that big of a deal for Him is it??

I also found out this week that I do quality for some Veteran's Administration (VA) medical benefits as I am a Vietnam-era veteran (1970-77) in the US Air Force. (No, I wasn't in Vietnam proper but the work I did was in support of the effort while stationed in communications intelligence in Italy and Alaska). I'll keep you informed as to what this means in terms of overall treatment for the cancer.

Overall a much better week. (Do you really believe in the God of your prayers??? I hope so!) I was able to see a full schedule last week at EMERGE. With a "little help from my friends," I attended a visionary staff meeting on Friday and participated in planning a new outreach from EMERGE called "Marriage Tune-Ups."  It was great to be with the rest of the EMERGE team! 

I'm reminded of the fact that God never leaves us orphans, alone or abandoned. You may be going through  one of those painful times when it appears so however. I beg you to reconsider. If all else fails...make a phone call; beg, plead, call your pastor, contact a friend....just don't go through your trial alone! And don't give up on the Body of Christ! Let your need be known!

As Dietrich Bonhoeffer notes in, "Life Together," "I have found that the simple physical presence of other Christians is a source of incomparable joy and strength" (Bonhoeffer ibid p 19).   While I feel I've been blessed beyond measure with a loving and committed wife and a number of close, closer, and closest friends; occasionally I have felt the utter helpless dependence of crying out for "someone to just BE HERE" for me. Examples? I haven't had to be helped walking since I was a child...well here I am!  Haven't had to have help eating..well here I am! Bathing? Shaving? Driving? (What's that?...Hasn't happened since November!)...YES...I HAVE NEEDED MY WIFE AND FRIENDS IN WAYS I NEVER DREAMED!
Since my cancer diagnosis in November, I've learned it's ok to ask friends to just come and sit with me; sing with me, pray with me... "Don't feel as though you have to say anything profound, witty, healing.....or anything...I just want YOUR PRESENCE!" And my has God provided! Thank you all so much!!

I recently said to my mom who was helping me at our home..."Just hearing the clattering of pots and pans in the kitchen is a comfort to me."  It means someone cares for me.

Bonhoeffer reminded me that Paul, in the midst of his cold, lonely imprisonment longingly calls his dearly beloved son in the faith, Timothy, to come to him in prison in the last days of his life. He would see him again and have him near (2 Timothy 1:4).

Here is the weekly update from our end. 
·       Completed third round of chemo-therapy this week. Before giving the medicine this week the nurse asked, "Are you ready to pray together before getting the medicine?" (Of course!) She had observed my praying each time the chemo was injected
·       Qualified for some VA medical benefits...will let you know what this means soon
·       Waiting for final word on payment for the Revlimid
·       Thankful for all of the rides to and from work this week from family and friends
·       Scheduled Monday for Labs, Wednesday for two MRI's on spine and waist (has the cancer spread? Why still the pain in the sciatic nerve area?) and on Friday I meet with  a neurologist.

Final Comment
I had the sad privilege of sitting with a client this past week who recently went through several terrible losses ....and didn't appear to have the support of  family, church or friends. How tragic.  I urge you to be on the look-out for a "God Moment" in your life this week; to be a practical extension of the heart and hand of Jesus Christ to one who needs your presence.

 There is no shame in yearning for the physical presence of a friend. Remember, we are body persons. God came to us in a body. We relate to one another as body persons. If you (or someone you know) is feeling lonely, rejected, left out, left behind, broken, discarded....perhaps you will be the one God uses to be in their open to it.

Much love to you dear friends and family!

Don and Marcie

PS The following two items meant a great deal to me this past week. Hope you will enjoy as well!
Servantsong.m4v  (YouTube).

Sunday, January 15, 2012


January 15, 2012
The Lichi Report

Dear Friends,
Greetings in the Name that is above every other Name; The Lord Jesus Christ!

Those of you who are familiar with me know that I (Don) resisted setting up  a "Face Book", "Blog", or "Twitter" social networking account. In some ways, because of the work I do as a's like asking a postman to go for a walk!  I also think that all in all I live a fairly boring existence and can't for the life of me imagine that anyone with anything else to do would be interested in what I am doing!

On the other hand, I now confess that following the urging of wiser friends and family, it really is a lot easier to simply say to someone...please look at "The Lichi Report" blog so as not to burden them with rehearsing over and over again what is going on in my life.

I pray that this "blog" (what does "Blog" mean anyhow??) serves to keep you updated on what is happening in my (our) life medically, and also give updates regarding our family and specific prayer requests. Most of all however, I want to lift up our Lord Jesus Christ and give testimony to the vast number of "God moments" He allows me to experience. Thanks for reading.

Here is the weekly update from our end. 
I began my third round of chemo-therapy this week. The medications are administered at Cuyahoga Falls General Hospital (now called Western Reserve). Treatment begins at 8:30 AM on Monday and Thursday and I'm typically finished by 10:30. So far, no green hair or other negative side effects from the chemo-therapy. In fact, with the additional steroid treatment, I actually have a number of relatively pain-free hours...yea!!

Because Marcie was in Chicago last weekend with her High School Spanish students, I  got a chance to be "babysat" by my sister Jacque and brother-in-law Bob. I moved in with them and tried to make myself mostly anonymous. I haven't been babysat by my sister for over 50 years! It was nice to have some grown-up conversation and thank God for Bobbie and Jacque's limitless patience and grace toward me.

The really big news for me is that I was able to return to EMERGE on a limited basis this week and saw clients from noon to 5 each day! I can't begin to tell you how incredible it was to see people who I deeply love and care about for the first time in 2-3 months!  The administrative team at EMERGE has been fabulous scheduling clients, pushing my wheelchair, storing files, bringing coffee-on-demand (!) and rides.

Yes..because of the narcotics, it's still not safe for me to operate anything but my wheelchair!
I am reducing my pain meds over time and continue to praise God for strength to work and (albeit limited) walk with a walker.

Prayer Request
We got some troubling news about coverage for the Revlimid medication that  has been prescribed by Dr. Lazarus (see last week's blog). The out of pocket cost is over $8,000 for 6 weeks of treatment and we are seeking relief, guidance, help, etc. from the manufacturer, hospital and our medical carrier. I'll update you on what we find out as soon as we know something. As you might expect, this type of news adds a lot of stress to an already stress-filled situation. Pray for peace for Marcie and me. God hasn't stopped caring for our needs and our lives are in His hands.

Final Comment
Last Friday (1/13/12) Marcie and I had the privilege of watching a dear friend compete in an in-door track and field meet at the University of Akron. 'Goldie' Rasnick is a sophomore at the University of Cincinnati and not only has a 'gold medal smile' and heart for Christ....she also happened to come in first place in the pole vault competition. It was fun being part of the cheering crowd!

Hebrews 12:1 states that since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress....let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us....keep your eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish.

Much love to you dear friends and family!

Don and Marcie

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7, 2012
The Lichi Report

Dear Friends,
Greetings in the Name that is above every other Name; The Lord Jesus Christ!

 I pray for an amazing 2012 with attention to the many "God Moments" He places in your life! Marcie and I continue to be so thankful to Jesus for how His wonderful Body has reached out to us in our need....most often in a phone call, a visit, a delicious meal, a text message, a card, your prayers and most of all knowing that our Loving Heavenly Father has us in the midst of His hands!

If you are suffering or going through a trial in your life right now, I want to remind you that Jesus cares for you. Let your need be known in the Christian community and trust Him!

Here is the weekly update from our end
On Wednesday January 4th Marcie and I drove to University Hospital in Cleveland to meet with Dr. Lazarus (you have to love the name right!?) who is a renowned expert in the area of Multiple Myeloma. He is part of a 15 hospital consortium which includes all of the big names you may know about in Houston and New York who work together on this particular type of cancer. He publishes a great deal in medical journals and does cutting edge (I really don't like the term "cutting edge" anymore) research.  I have volunteered to be part of any post-stem cell transplant follow-up care.

Dr. Lazarus displayed a wealth of information and spent the better part of an hour with us explaining the "why's" of what I'm about to embark on. The short version is the cancer has occupied about 40-70% of my bone marrow and the current chemo treatment is designed to shrink this to the point where when I am finally admitted as an in-patient, I'll get a major dose of chemo to kill any remaining cells.

I think he is a baseball fan since he used the metaphor of this treatment as the "closer." In baseball terms this is when the game is close to the end and you need a strong finisher! Of course those of you who know me well will know that my vanity will suffer a major blow. Most of the unpleasant side effects of what you'd expect from chemo-therapy will occur (good-bye hair, diarrhea, nausea.....well you get the picture!). May God be praised in all of this for the amazing (cutting edge) advances in research and treatments. I admit that God was quite 'cutting edge' in that He knows me and declares that we are all "fearfully and WONDERFULLY made!" (Psalm 139:14).

I still need to go through two more rounds of chemo-therapy and round 3 starts when?  Monday!

Following two more rounds (approximately 6 weeks) I'll go to University Hospital on 3 consecutive days for  complete blood transfusions in which the team will capture my bone marrow stem cells. They freeze these and after the big blast of chemo in the hospital they will inject my stem cells back into my system.  I'll need to be in isolation mainly because I won't have any natural immunities for a period of time.  Then...guess what?  I have to have all of my kid shots all over again.

My daughter Anne said I could join her with her youngsters in getting my well-baby shots!

Regarding the sciatic pain...well friends I have to admit we are all still a bit confused. Some days...very little...some days....AHHHHHHHH!  You will recall that I had one really terrific day last week.  Well...the doctor was because they gave me a high dose of Dex... a strong steroid that reduces inflammation but, "Usually on the next two will experience much more pain."  Now they tell me!

Overall I'm having more good days and the relatively pain free times during the day are expanding. Again I pray for Divine Intervention but God is choosing Divine Process. Praise Him!

So..bottom line. Chemo-therapy continues. We met with Dr. Lazarus at University Hospital; we know that we have a tough journey ahead in the next few months.

GREAT NEWS! I was able to work at EMERGE on Friday January 6th for 5 hours and tentatively am planning to work M-F from 12-5 as long as I can. If I am feeling better I'll try to add some "prime" hours (e.g. later at night when many people can get an appointment).

Also, I was able to share my testimony on January 1 at my home church. I strongly encouraged the congregation to realize that life can change suddenly and dramatically. There are no guarantees for health (etc etc) for any of us. I also wanted people to know that in the Body of Christ when one member hurts....all hurt and when one member rejoices....all rejoice.  Please take this to heart and be fully engaged in your local fellowship and find creative ways to serve those who are in pain.

Much love to you dear friends and family!

Don and Marcie